Service Details
We don’t always have the luxury of hiring competent people at will. But we do have the option of searching for the right skillset and mindset within the existing organization as we build a new team, or recast the existing team for a new project. PrestaSearch helps you map skills with role requirements – the results of which can be used and reused in current and future projects as well.
A scientific way to recast your new project team
Discover the talent, foster it as a strength, Deploy it in excellent team performance.
- Assess individual team member strengths with PrestaMax
- Predict best working configurations in a scientific manner
- Prepare leadership team by configuring a specifically designed learning journey with PrestaLead
- Where needed, benefit from PrestaCoach to build a high performing team
- Access all learning and assessments, record all progress on your own mobile learning app - PrestaLearn
Complete Service Offer Details:
PrestaSearch is an unique service that helps you to build a new team based on individual strengths. Especially when you have team members who have to take up new roles and are required to learn new skills, PrestaSearch helps you with custom-built assessments of competencies and team role fitment, so that your new project team can fire on all cylinders from the word ‘go’!
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