Service Details


For managers and leaders, coaching is no longer a good-to-have skill. It’s what they do, every day with their teams. When done well, coaching benefits the individual and the organisation by unlocking the talent, and converting a talent to strength.

Building better leaders

Unlocking potential, leveraging strengths

  • Learn anytime, anywhere on PrestaLearn – your own mobile learning app
  • Assess your coach-ability through our Assessments on PrestaMax
  • Find a Coach to support you in your quest for high performance
  • Build a culture of coaching in your organization
  • Augment coaching with role-appropriate learning
  • Integrate your current coaching efforts into one comprehensive program, with the best in class content and methodology

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PrestaCoach is a bespoke intervention to build a culture of coaching among the Leadership teams of organisations, to enable a high-performance culture across different levels of the organisation. 

A study conducted by Arnott and Sparrow with 1,153 organizations revealed that only five percent of organizations claimed to have managers who had been trained to coach their team members, even though 73 percent recognized it as a top leadership need. 

Coaching resulted in a return on investment (ROI), of almost six times the cost invested in learning the skills needed*. Besides this the following benefits were also noted: 

  • 77% improvement in relationships,
  • 67% improvement in teamwork,
  • 61% improvement in job satisfaction and
  • 48% improvement in quality

PrestaCoach is built to bring such results and more. 

(*Source: Manchester Consulting Group study of Fortune 100 executives)